
Category: Art Portal

31 Jan

New Dashboard

At Pixel’s Hive we are always working to improve our customer experience. This time, we’ve launched a new dashboard to make your daily orders visible…

5 years ago READ MORE
05 Dec

New look and feel for our Art Portal

We are so proud to announce that we have a new look and feel for our Art Portal: You are of utter importance  for…

6 years ago READ MORE
14 Nov

3 Secrets on outsourcing ART

This article was written by Marshall Atkinson Have you ever thought about outsourcing your art? I know. Your creative team rocks. I’ve been there. I…

6 years ago READ MORE
14 Aug

Inksoft Virtual Art Team: Store Creator

We would like to tell you about the new option of the virtual art team for Inksoft costumers: Store Creator. If you are busy or…

6 years ago READ MORE
25 Jul

New Website

For the last Art Portal sprint, we got the chance of spending some time in our own website. To improve our customer experience we make…

6 years ago READ MORE
29 Jan

New Art Portal Release: Fast Order Management & Art Link

At Pixel’s Hive, we are proud to announce new releases in our Art Portal. We’ve created the fastest way to order your company artworks! Now…

6 years ago READ MORE